Monday, June 24, 2013

Five Secrets to Perfect Recovery From Spinal Fusion Surgery

spinal stenosis

You are going through intense and debilitating back pain, and now your doctor has told you that Spinal Fusion Surgery is your best hope of recovery. Apart from the pain there is now intense anxiety about having major surgery. This worry is so bad that sometimes you can't eat or sleep properly. Does this sound like you? Well you are not alone and hopefully this article will help you recover well and gain the life without pain that you desire.

The first tip may seem obvious but it can be forgotten. Listen your doctor, and most importantly follow his/her advice. He/she will more than likely give you pain management, recommend a course of physiotherapy and give you a list of do's and don'ts. We quite often listen to our doctors, but don't always put their advice into action. Follow the advice straight away, and stick to it. Occasionally there are complications with Spinal Fusion Surgery, but if you communicate problems to your doctor quickly then there is little reason why your recovery shouldn't go well. During your recovery your pain should gradually decrease, but if it doesn't, discuss with your doctor the best course.

Apart from what the doctor orders there are a number of things that you can do to naturally help the recover process. The key secret to aiding your own recovery is to think positive. This can also be called 'mind over matter'. Thinking that you will never recover will make the process will take a lot longer. Don't expect your pain to vanish overnight however. Disappointment can also lead to a negative state of mind. Be positive and realistic. Think about ways that you can mentally aid your recovery and try to apply them.

During your recovery you may find that a plate is literally the only thing that you can pick up so before you undergo your surgery it's a good idea to prepare for your recovery. Get your freezer stocked up with ready cooked meals and as many groceries as you can, arrange your house so that you can get in and out of bed easily and arrange a comfortable chair. If anything needs to be arranged do it before the surgery if you can.

After Spinal Fusion Surgery doctors usually arrange a course of physical therapy with a qualified therapist. He/she will be able to help you with an exercise routine that will regain the strength in your back whilst staying within your physical limits. It's important to start this as soon as you can. Your muscles need to regain their strength.

Proper rest is also an important factor in your recovery. But it's also a good idea to get up during the day and wear yourself out a little so you sleep at night. It's also important to keep the mind active, maybe take up that hobby that you've been meaning to for ages. You will be staying at home so make sure that the day and night are separated.

Spinal Fusion Surgery may seem like a scary prospect, but if you follow these simple but powerful secrets there is no reason why you should not have a problem free recovery, and before you know it you'll be waking up, energised and active without the dark spectre of back pain blighting your life.

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