Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Cure for Neuropathy

spinal stenosis

Neuropathy is a severe disease of the nerves of our body. When our nerves outside the brain and spinal cord get seriously injured due to various reasons, it is called neuropathy. Due to this disease, we may experience serious pain or sometimes lack of sensation in our hands and feet. Medical experts and physicians all over the world have suggested different course of actions for the successful cure for neuropathy.

Different types of medicines are advised by the physicians for the effective cure for neuropathy. For example, some types of antidepressants are prescribed by them that have been identified as really effective for curing neuropathy. Tricyclic types of antidepressant medications, such as nortriptyline and amitriptyline are often suggested by the medical doctors for the treatment of neuropathy. Some specific types of opioid narcotic treatment methods are also used for the successful treatment of neuropathy. Again, different varieties of pain killers are often prescribed by the doctors for the cure for neuropathy. You can also apply the Lidocaine patch directly to the painful area which typically contains the anesthetic element called 'lidocaine'. Applying capsaicin topically to the affected area of hands and feet may also be helpful. Medical experts should always be consulted before taking any sort of medicines in order to avoid possible side-effects.

A specific type of therapy, called Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) may also be helpful for relieving from pain due to neuropathy. In this therapy, the electrical current of varying frequency is produced through a device which is ultimately used to stimulate the nerves. For the treatment of acute pain in hands and feet due to neuropathy, this therapy is hugely effective when applied regularly. In case of necessity, surgical procedures are also applied for curing neuropathy.

Doctors will often suggest following a diet chart regularly for the successful treatment of neuropathy. Diets rich in vitamin B are always advised by them. Moreover, supplements for B complex vitamins, actyl L-carnitine and chromium may also be taken regularly. You should always try to avoid smoking and alcohol of all types. Bringing discipline in life is always necessary for curing neuropathy.

Controlling the level of blood sugar is always suggested by the medical experts. Diabetes is such a severe disease that may even cause neuropathy. That is why, being conscious about it and always trying to be careful about diet and medication is often required for the treatment of neuropathy.

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