Thursday, June 27, 2013

Back Inversion Tables For Posture Improvement

spinal stenosis

How a person carries himself or herself is important. In a way, this would be able to provide an insight about the individual's character. It is important to have the right posture. There are many causes of poor posture, but mainly it is because of poor habits when it comes to sleeping, walking and sitting.

There are several negative effects of poor posture. Mayo Clinic states that back and fatigue could be one of the numerous health problems caused by bad posture. When a person slouches, the muscles have to work extra to support the spinal cord this could lead to sore muscles from the neck down to a person's lower back.

Sustained bad posture could lead to developing a spinal curvature. With a bad posture, the spine curve (it's natural S shape), changes. This affects the ability of the spinal cord and would affect your balance.One way of dealing or correcting bad posture is through the use of back inversion tables. But what is inversion therapy?

In inversion therapy, the person is suspended or inverted with the use of either gravity boots or inversion tables. When inverted, the pressure on the discs and ligaments are decreased. This would provide pain relief to those who are suffering from back pains. Inversion therapy could also increase a person's flexibility and improve blood circulation or flow. Other benefits of inversion therapy are improving a person's mental alertness, increase the motion in the joints, and works as a great stress relief.

Supporters or proponents of inversion therapy, believes that inversion therapy can restore the proper alignment to the spine. With bad posture, misalignment is possible. When the hips and the spine are not aligned, it could lead to inflammation and pain. Doing inversion therapy regularly could assist in helping the individual maintain proper posture.

In a study by the New Castle University, the use of inversion tables was able to help 70% of the users to avoid back surgery. There are several medical journals and studies showing the use of inversion tables indeed increase the separation of the spine and disc.

However, the use of back inversion tables is not for everybody. Those who have heart disease, high blood pressure and eye conditions/ diseases are warned against using these inversion tables. Pregnant women are also warned against using this equipment while pregnant. Furthermore, it is always best to consult with your physician before starting any kind of exercise regime or therapy such as this.


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  2. Nice to read about Back Inversion Tables For Posture Improvement. Great article. Keep doing. Excellent information. Thanks to sharing your valuable information.
