Thursday, August 8, 2013

Holistic Home Treatments for Sciatica Back Pain

spinal stenosis

As sciatica back pain is a symptom, it is important to investigate what it is a symptom of. The reason for this is that your underlying problem (disc-related, piriformis syndrome or spinal stenosis, among other things) could be the result of your age, trauma, diet, posture and body movements.

As you can see some of the things that cause the underlying problems, and in turn the sciatica back pain, are things that are in your control such as diet, posture and body movements and there are some holistic treatment ideas that you can do right in your home by making a few simple and intentional changes and additions to your diet and exercise routine. Please note that as these ideas are holistic the results may vary and are not guaranteed.

Here are some ideas that may possibly help alleviate your sciatica pain:

1. Water

Aren't we always getting told to drink more water for one reason or another? Well here is another reason to make sure you are staying properly hydrated. Not drinking enough water can actually increase, or even cause, sciatic pain! So make sure that you are drinking enough fluids every day so that you minimize the risk of aggravating your sciatic back pain. Sounds easy right? Well if you are not a water drinker it can be difficult to change your ways; however, minimizing your pain will be worth it!

2. Celery and Potato Juice

Making your own fruit/veggie juices at home is an economical and healthy choice, so why not add celery and potato juice to your juice concoction! Celery and potato juice have been said to relieve sciatica back pain; however, please note that you apparently need to consume at least 10 ounces per day for it to be effective. Give it a try!

3. Garlic

Garlic is known for its health benefits and one of them is relieving general pain and aches. You can take garlic by adding garlic cloves to your meals or you can take it in the form of garlic supplements. Just be prepared for that not so popular side effect- garlic breath!

4. Elderberry Tea

Tea is relaxing in general and tea made from elderberry is said to relieve pain by relaxing the muscles as well.

5. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut has been said to alleviate sciatica pain when consumed. It, like the elderberry tea, is believed to relax muscles.

6. Exercise

Exercise can be a simple home remedy that doesn't require a lot of expense. Make sure that you investigate what kind of exercises would be effective in combatting your sciatica pain and ensure that you know how to properly do the exercises. Doing your exercises incorrectly can actually make your sciatica back pain symptoms worse, so make sure you do your research or seek professional help.

7. Horseradish

A poultice made from minced Horseradish is a holistic topical treatment that is said to give immediate relief when applied to the affected area/muscles which can help relieve sciatica back pain.

Please make sure that whatever home remedies you decide to try for medical reasons that you first check with your doctor or medical professional before proceeding with them.

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