Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Is The Sciatic Nerve?

spinal stenosis

The sciatic nerve is a nerve that is formed. It's the largest single nerve in the human body. The location is at the base of the spinal cord, or your lower back right above your buttock. The sciatic nerve is made up of the lumbar and sacral nerve roots from the spine. It leaves the lower part of the spinal cord and runs behind the hip join, and down the back of the thigh.

When this nerve flares up it is call sciatica. A very annoying and painful condition. Pains can run from the buttock down the legs to the feet, or in the thigh or just in the buttock, depending on which nerve area has flared up.

One of the most common forms of pain when the spinal nerves get compressed results in sciatica. The back pain is bad, but typically the leg pain is much worse. I've asked if foot cramps can be from sciatica and the answer was no, foot cramps are typically from wearing shoes too tight or loose and not taking care of your feet. In the foot, Sciatica pain is on the top of the foot and has a different pain than a regular cramp.

There are a few different nerve roots when talking about sciatica in the foot area, which is why you should see a doctor to diagnose sciatica.

Sciatica in the L4 nerve root area will occur in the medial lower leg and foot. You will experience a weakness or inablity to bring the foot up while walking. You can test this by trying to walk on your heels, and you will not be able too.

The L5 nerve root affects your big toe and ankle. This is typically called "foot drop". If you try to extend your toe, you will experience weakness in doing so. Typically this pain will be located in the web of the foot, between the big toe and the second toe.

One last nerve root is the S1 nerve root which when affected can cause pain or numbness to the outer foot area. Difficulty in walking on tip toes or taking your heel off the ground it the normal result. The person may also show a reduced reflex in the ankle-jerk.

The other common problems are numbness or pain shooting all the way down your leg and buttock pain, like constant squeezing.

The good news about sciatica is that most people will recover fully without having any surgery. About 80 to 90% recover from sciatica without spinal surgery and this is because usually the sciatic nerve is not damaged and can heal itself typically within a 21 to 90 day duration.

Lastly, it's good to know that sciatica is not a medical emergency, however if you are constantly having pain or difficulty with your bowels or bladder function and notice a decreased sensation around the genitals, or a progressive weakness in your legs, this may be the sign of cauda equina syndrome, which is significant narrowing of the spinal canal and this is a medical emergency.

If you have these symptoms, contact your doctor or even emergency medical care right away.

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