Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Most Common Causes for Lower Back Pains

spinal stenosis

The most common cause of lower back pains are injury or overuse of muscles, and pressure on nerve roots caused by osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, fractures, and herniated discs.

The back is made up of a structure of bones, muscles and tissue, of which the most important support structure is the spinal column, which covers the spinal cord. The spinal cord is responsible for carrying signals and conveying messages. The spinal cord also supports the body's weight. Injuries, accidents, or poor posture can result in strain being placed on it, resulting in back pains in the lower region.

The spinal column is an intricate structure, with bones placed on top of each other and cartilage in between them. This cartilage is called an intervertebral disc, and is responsible for flexibility in the spine. It also acts as a shock absorber, protecting the bones of the spine. The entire spine is attached to the muscles around it by ligaments and tendons. The lumbar vertebrae, also known as the lower back is that portion of the spine that is most susceptible to back pains.

What causes lower back aches and pains?

The lower back is important in providing structural support and movement to the body; however, as people age, the bone strength and muscle elasticity tends to weaken and the intervertebral discs begin to decrease in their ability to cushion the vertebrae.

Apart from age, here are some other reasons you might experience lower back pains:

Lumbar strain: Heavy lifting can often cause a strain to the lumbar muscles or ligaments, which may lead to a ruptured disc. This is turn can cause pressure on nerve roots, which can result in back ache. Apart from resting the back, your chiropractic doctor may suggest therapeutic massage, reconditioning exercises, and deep tissue massage.

Nerve irritation: Nerve irritation can be caused by lumbar strain, but it can also be caused by bone lesions or bone degenerative conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis, by weight gain, or by viral infections. It can also be caused by a herniated disc, brought on by repeated motion, or by spinal stenosis, which is a narrowing of the spinal column due to age. Scar tissue created during an injury can buildup and also leads to nerve irritation. This in turn can cause back aches.

Fractures or bone injuries: Fractures caused by aging, sports, accidents, or medical conditions like osteoporosis can also lead to ruptured discs and consequently, back pains.

Other medical conditions like diabetes, fevers, bacterial infections, and spinal tumors can also result in pains in the lower back.

How can you treat lower back pains?

The first step in treating it is to diagnose the cause of the problem. Most back pains - upper or lower back - can be treated without surgery. Your medical practitioner may prescribe medication to ease the pain, and plenty of back rest.

Chiropractic care has also been used successfully to treat back aches and pains. Your family chiropractor may recommend ice and heat therapy, massage therapy, and bed rest. He may also use spinal manipulation and show you a series of exercises to help strengthen the lower back.

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