Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Herniated Disc - Try Acupuncture

spinal stenosis

If you have experimented with the more standard herniated disc treatments, and wish to try something new, it may be well worth considering the traditional Chinese therapy of acupuncture. Acupuncture is perhaps the most popular form of traditional oriental medicine, and it has proven to be quite effective for treatment of a herniated disc and the sciatic pain associated. Further to this the acupuncture can also relieve spinal stenosis, lower back pain, spine root compression, neck pain, neuropathy and other irritating and debilitating diseases.

In some cases Chinese herbs and acupuncture have been proven to be more effective, less risky and less invasive in comparison to more common forms of treatment for a herniated disc such as surgery and oral steroids. Side effects associated with drugs for treating a herniated disc is a common reason for people experimenting with acupuncture.

Acupuncture tends to be even more effective when it is utilized upon the onset of the initial symptoms of a herniated disc such as back spasms and cramps. If the condition of the herniated disc is more severe, often acupuncture will be teamed with traditional Chinese herbal remedies to assist in the recovery process. Further to this the longer lasting effects of acupuncture are realized through combining the treatment with physical therapy and exercises. When acupuncture is delivered correctly there can also be additional benefits for the patient- such as an improvement in mood and less fatigue.

It is very important for one's recommended doctor or physician to assess the degree of damage involved in the herniated disc and associated sciatica pain, before considering acupuncture as an effective treatment for the herniated disc.

It is a frightening statistic that more than half of the US adult population experience or are affected by sciatica pain. It is that burning pain from the lower back down to the feet caused by the compression of the sciatic nerve resulting in most instances in a herniated disc. The normal reaction for sufferers of a herniated disc and sciatic pain is too improve the posture and walk and site more upright. This however can increase the pressure on the problem area, resulting in further discomfort. It is quite common that, with age and poor nutrition, the back bone and its muscles and other essential body parts deteriorate and breakdown, and factors like overexertion, accidents, diseases, and bad posture all result in back problems.

Acupuncture as a herniated disc treatment when performed as early as possible has been shown to rapidly improve recovery time and ease sciatica pain significantly. Research has shown that the acupuncture stimulates the damaged area of the spine creating naturally occurring steroids encouraging it to repair and producing valuably endorphins in the body. In this natural way the swelling is minimized and the pain of the herniated disc is eased. This dual effect from the acupuncture is why is can be so effective

The benefits of acupuncture often vary from patient to patient and are also very dependent on the person administering the acupuncture. Always seek you doctor or physician's advice before getting acupuncture treatment for a herniated disc and sciatica pain. Acupuncture is certainly a far more positive option for treating a herniated disc than surgery and more serious oral steroids.

1 comment:

  1. Aneurysms, herniated discs, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, and emphysema are among the most destructive, painful, and numerous diseases in our society. I suspect that copper deficiency status is the most important parameter affecting them. Copper deficiency causes blood vessels to become weak and is probably the chief cause of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Restoring copper during those diseases is imperative.
    That copper is below optimum in a large number of people is virtually certain from current evidence. it should not be surprising that the symptoms of the diseases above should vary greatly or that "spontaneous" remissions are possible. When you further consider that other nutrients and circumstances also vary enormously, at least for those eating processed food, it is not safe to assume that copper is not deficient because all the symptoms are not present. . Emphysema [Soskel], premature gray hair [Wu], blood clotting [Milne 1896], slow healing bone breaks [Dolwet], diabetes enhancement [Cohen 1982] and anemia are such symptoms. The median layer of the blood vessel (where the elastin is) is thinner from a deficiency but its elastin copper content is the same as normal men. The overall thickness is not different [Senapati, et al]. Elastin is about as flexible as a rubber band and can stretch to two times its length [Carnes 1977]. The 39 or more different kinds of collagen are about 1000 times stiffer. A healthy artery requires about 1000 mm of mercury or 10 times the normal mean blood pressure in order to rupture [Shadwick]. Therefore keeping strength of arteries up would seem to be even more important than keeping blood pressure down so far as arteries are concerned, although not necessarily so far as kidney glomeruli are concerned. However a copper deficiency coupled with high sodium (or high chloride?) causes disruption of the glomeruli basement membrane resulting in acute kidney failure [Moore].
    Copper nutrition is very important in herniated discs, hemorrhoids and aneurisms because copper is essential for lysyl oxidase, which enzyme cross links the elastin tissue. Cross linking is especially crucial for elastin tissue because elastin gets all of its strength from cross linking. The strength of collagen is not as badly affected because of the long length of collagen molecules.
    copper from food in .
    A copper deficiency also produces high cholesterol [Klevay 1978] [Reiser]. Copper supplements would be infinitely superior to and safer than statin drugs [ ] [ ] for lowering cholesterol or eating low cholesterol food [Couzin]. However adding copper without zinc can actually make that situation worse [Festa]. Copper is also essential for an adequate immune system [Prohaska 1981] [Percival]. Premature babies can have too little copper. However babies should be supplemented with extreme care because they can not excrete copper, which is excreted with the bile in adults. This care includes not making formula out of water from copper pipes.
    Copper combined with aspirin has been shown to enhance aspirin’s anti inflammatory action against inflammation caused by some poisons [ ].
    REFERENCES For references see [ ].

    Sincerely, Charles Weber
    PS Dr. Rastmanesh, a nutritionist from Iran, would like to secure a
    position in an English speaking university because of religious or
    political problems. He has an impressive CV. If you know of an opening
    I will send you his CV. It would be a travesty to leave that fine scientist in
    that criminal country after he got rid of rheumatoid arthritis for us.
