Wednesday, July 17, 2013

4 Exercises to Relieve a Slipped Disc

spinal stenosis

Herniated disc or slipped disc occurs when a disc in the spin between the vertebrae ruptures and compresses against one of the spinal nerves, causing pain, tingling sensation and numbness. There are many methods to treat slipped disc with anti-inflammatory medication and physical therapy the most common ones. Exercises are also an excellent and effective method to help relieve pain. While exercises can help, it can also possibly aggravate the condition if it is overdone.

Clasp hand stretch

Hand clasp stretch exercises will help to prevent stiffness of the shoulders due to a slipped disc. This is due to the disc causing the shoulders to haunch forward, causing stiffness over a period of time. Hand clasp stretch will also help to reduce and relieve muscle tension. Standing up straight, slowly stretch your hands and reach for them behind your back, clasping them together. Holding firmly in this position, pull the shoulders behind and you should be able to feel a light stretch at your chest area. Hold this position for ten seconds and release your hands. Repeat this exercise five times.

Back flexion

Back flexion exercises will stretch the upper portion of your body, namely the neck and the lower back. This will help to relieve muscle tension caused by a slipped disc. Lie down on a flat surface with your feet flat on the ground. Bring up both knees towards your chest and wrap your arms around the knee. Lift your head up slowly and curl your body together like a ball. This will cause you to feel stretch at your spinal area and hold for 10 seconds and slowly release back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for five times.

Hamstring stretch

Stretching the hamstrings can help to relieve muscle tension on the lower back. Lie down on a flat surface on your back near a wall. Lift either one of your legs up and place the other on the wall, pulling your buttocks inwards until they touch the wall. There should be a light stretch felt at the back of the thighs and the lower back. Hold this position for a minute and release and back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise five times.


Crunches will help to strengthen core muscles in our body which in turn will reduce pressure on our spine and lower back. Lie on a flat surface and place your hands behind your head. Slowly lift your shoulders off the floor and make sure that your lower back does not leave the floor. Hold this position for five seconds and recover back to the starting position. Repeat for ten times.

Exercises when done properly can help to relieve back pain due to slipped disc. Results will not show immediately. The exercises have to be done consistently and religiously over a period of time to see results. By following the above exercises, relief from pain should be obtained.

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