Thursday, July 25, 2013

What is Recess Spinal Stenosis?

spinal stenosis

I had been dealing with sciatica in my lower back and down my legs for quite some time. Ever since I was pregnant I have been dealing with shooting pains down my legs. The right leg seems worse then the left. I went to the doctor who then ordered a number of tests and scans for me. After he got the results he mentioned the term recess spinal stenosis. I had never heard of recess spinal stenosis before...

After the diagnosis, I decided to do some research to see if I could find some information on recess spinal stenosis and its prognosis. From what I could find out the lateral recess is an area of the spine in the lower back. The spinal canal is considered normal but the side portions are narrow. This puts pressure on the nerves that exit the spine. The doctor said I have a lateral recess spinal stenosis. Or at other times he referred to it as a recess spinal stenosis.

The sciatica I was experiencing was a result of the recess spinal stenosis. The scans also showed that I had a bulging disc which was also giving me a bit of discomfort. He said that they could give me shots to numb the pain but that operations were usually needed to fix the disc and to relive the pressure on the nerves. The L5 area of my spine was in need of some relief and he thought that surgery was a good option for me.

The recess spinal stenosis diagnosis threw me for a loop. I had known friends who had dealt with sciatica, especially when pregnant, but for them the pain subsided after the babies were born. My pain has continued for several years. It has come and gone but now seems to be more consistent. The doctor said that the recess spinal stenosis has gotten worse and that the disc could in fact rupture at some point.

I have decided to get the pain shots for now while I consider all of my options. Having a disk rupture sounds like the most painful thing in the world and I would prefer to avoid it. This recess spinal stenosis is going to be dealt with because I am tired of being in pain and feeling like my leg is going to buckle underneath me at any second. I want to be pain free for the first time in a long time.

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