Thursday, July 18, 2013

Spinal Stenosis - Causes and Treatments of Spinal Stenosis

spinal stenosis

A common back condition that can cause pain and suffering is spinal stenosis. This article will give a brief description of the causes and available treatments. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spine. This can occur either in the upper of lower spinal or in both areas. This condition is the result of spinal degeneration that usually comes with age. The narrowing of the spine puts pressure on the nerves that branch out from the spinal column.

As these nerves are compressed the person may feel pain and numbness in the lower or upper back. This pain may radiate down the leg causing severe discomfort. Interestingly many people may have spinal stenosis and not experience any of the symptoms. These symptoms may occur when undue stress is place on the spine due to an injury or if the deterioration increases. The deterioration is also associated with osteoarthritis which is a main cause of the stenosis.

Treatment: In most cases the doctor will begin with conservative measures to relieve the pain. This may include physical therapy, anti inflammatory drugs and/or a brace. Strengthening the back muscles and correcting muscle imbalance is a prime objective of the various treatments. Strong back and abdominal muscles give support to the spine relieving the pressure on the nerves.

For severe cases surgery may be necessary. Although only a very small minority of patients require an operation. In most cases non-invasive treatments will be all that is necessary.

One of the top rated programs is called the Lose The Back Pain System developed by therapists and doctors of the Healthy back Institute. This program has helped thousands by strengthening muscles and eliminating muscles imbalance. As someone who has suffered with a bad back and who has endured months of physical therapy and an operation, I can tell you there are solutions for your discomfort.

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