Friday, June 14, 2013

Can Exercises For Sciatic Nerve Pain Really Work?

spinal stenosis

Back pain is different than most any other type of pain in that it can completely shut you down. There are certain pains we can manage with, but I can personally attest that with intense back pain there are times when you literally cannot breathe or move without searing pain.

Whether your back pain is from sciatica, spinal arthritis, a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, piriformis or any other condition, the pain caused is just as real, and fortunately will yield to the same handling, which involves specific exercises for sciatic nerve pain.

Most people with intense sciatic pain will go to their doctor, and may be prescribed pain killing drugs. The problem here is that this does not handle the cause, and can also become addictive. The rapid release from pain that drugs give is also quite seductive.

Surgery is also an option offered by medical doctors; however this is expensive as well as risky, and is not guaranteed to be permanent. Chiropractic treatment is another option, but that is also potentially expensive and can drag on for long periods.

In my opinion, the best options for health are the things that you can do yourself with confidence. Confidence is only built by seeing results, and pain is a pretty undeniable gauge of results versus none.

Mike Saros is a former sciatic pain sufferer. After enduring intense crippling back pain, and surgery that did not last in its effects, Mike became determined to find a way to handle his sciatica himself. Mike discovered several exercises for sciatic nerve pain along with other techniques that completely handled his intense pain permanently.

He discovered ways to strengthen muscles that are directly involved with preventing sciatic nerve pain. There are also ways to relieve stress and tension that build up in the lower back muscles. Fortunately these techniques are very simple, and don't demand a lot of time. For instance, there is a 12-15 step routine that can be done once or twice a week that can eliminate back pain permanently.

There is no feeling like having the confidence that you know exactly how to beat and fend off debilitating and crippling sciatic back pain. Why pay doctors thousands of dollars for pills and surgeries that don't necessarily deal with the underlying set of conditions that are causing your pain? A little knowledge goes a long way when it comes to fending off back pain. Learn from someone who has been there and has conquered it, not from someone who profits from repeated expensive treatments and has never experienced back pain for themselves. Live your life to the fullest for the rest of your life.

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