Saturday, May 18, 2013

Correcting Forward Head Posture

spinal stenosis

Forward head posture is a common postural dysfunction today. It occurs when the head is habitually held in front of the body's midline so that its weight is not properly balanced over the spine and shoulders.

The body works best when it is aligned. The muscles of the neck as well as the cervical spine, with its joints and discs, are designed to support the weight of the head, but only when it is centered over the shoulders. When the head moves forward, the pressure exerted on the spine, and the shoulder and neck muscles increases drastically as they have to work harder to hold the head up.

Forward head posture results in and is perpetuated by a muscle imbalance. How does it all start? Modern culture involves a lot of sitting. We sit in school, in the office, in front of the TV and when commuting. It is typical, particularly when driving, looking at a computer screen or using a small electronic device, to crane your head forward to bring it closer to what you're looking at. Many people do this unconsciously (you're likely doing it right now). After a length of time, the body adapts to this posture. Muscles in the upper back become overstretched and weak, while muscles in the chest become short and tight. The upper trapezius, the portion of the muscle in the neck, can become chronically tight from working overtime to hold the head upright when in a forward position. The brain learns this pattern of tension and automatically sends signals for the pectorals and upper trapezius to contract, and the upper back and shoulders are pulled forward.

Forward head may also be caused by an unbalanced workout routine. Gym buffs who spend more time on their chests than their upper backs often end up with the postural dysfunction.

The chronic muscle tension associated with forward head can lead to the development of knots and spasms. It also puts the spine at risk, since the joints and discs of the cervical spine become compressed as vertebral angles change.

Correcting Forward Head Posture

To restore the head to proper alignment, a two-pronged approach works best. First, correct muscle imbalances. Second, increase posture awareness and use ergonomic aides, if necessary, to encourage proper posture.

Correcting the muscle imbalances involved in forward head means restoring flexibility to chest muscles and strengthening the upper back muscles, particularly the middle trapezius. See the video at to learn a simple chest stretch and back exercise that, repeated a number of times a day, will help prepare your body for alignment.

Being aware of your head position is a crucial part of reversing the harmful muscle memory you've developed. You may find it necessary to readjust the way you do things like send a text, surf the
web or read a book. One easy way to encourage your head to stay upright is to keep things at eye level. When using an iPhone or similar device, hold it up to eye level, keeping the shoulders low and loose. Adjust your computer screen so that you can easily see it without craning forward. For book reading, consider investing in a book holder. This will prevent fatigue on your arms and hands from holding a book high for long periods of time.

Forward head posture can wreak havoc on your spine and muscles. Simple exercises and ergonomic changes to your daily activities may suffice to correct this condition. Massage therapy, physical therapy and myofascial release are treatments that can help in cases of advanced postural distortion.

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